Wisdom iNeed from Juz 2 Sayaqool

Theme: I love Rasool saw; He has connected us with Allah swt; he (saw) sacrificed so much to bring us this message.

  1.  Ayat 143: tests for believers; If we love Rasool saw then we will listen to him (saw)

  2. Ayat 148: everyone has a goal

  3. Ayat 150-151 dont be afraid of people but fear Allah in all possible and impossible situations

  4. Ayat 152 : if we remember Allah, He will remember us; be grateful

  5. ayah 155-157 : we will be tested with loss
  6. Ayat 168-172:   Eat good food that gives me energy to worship Allah swt. Avoid junk and processed foods.

  7. Ayat 180: be fair when writing a Will
  8. Ayat 183:  Observe fast so my nafs/soul/body can be trained to refrain  from certain things and obtain awareness of Allah swt . 
  9.  Ayat 185: Recite a lot of Quran in Ramadan 

  10. ayat 186: make lots of dua: Allah is guaranteeing Acceptance
  11. 187: libas = spouse; Taqwa; Ramadan also teaches us time management
  12. 188: dont consume illegally
  13. 189:  The sahabas asked about moon phases , they asked relevant questions; [ we worry about the signs or moon only in ramadan or eid]  adopt a right methodology to do things; thru proper channels
  14. 190: Allah doesnt
  15. 194: Allah is with who practices self-restraint
  16. 195: Allah loves the  Muhsineen; who gives more than its due [example of ihsaan from seerah= fatah mecca]give to those who deprive us
  17. 208
  18. 213
  19. 214 price of Jannah
  20. 215: good charity
  21. 232: Allah knows even if we dont know
  22. 233: men should give child support untill the baby is weaned
  23. 238; guard Asr prayer
  24. 239:cant leave prayer even in an insecure place; can pray even while walking in this condition
  25. provide maintanance for widows and divorced
  26. qard e hasanah